Thursday, July 26, 2018

Nov 7, 1944 "Dad This is for You" (Post #77A)


                                                             Somewhere in Germany
                                                                        November 7, 1944
Dear Dad,
     I am enclosing a small gift for Christmas. Wish I could send something in place of money but being on the frontline most of the time makes this impossible. In the first place I intended to sending your Christmas money to mother and letting her buy a present but now I have changed my mind. Instead I am sending it to you, that way you may do as you like. If there is anything you wanted in the pass but felt it foolish to buy, well now is the time to get it. Remember I want you to have something you would really like and it makes no difference what it is, from a pipe to a toothbrush or even a carload of pineapple turnovers. Get something you want and do what you like with the remainder. I know Christmas won't be very merry this year but I'll send "Best Wishes for the Season and Good Health for Another Year." One thing to be thankful for, that as the season nears at hand I'm still here though thousands of miles away.
     Well, Dad, no news for me to write about as I'd only have to write the same thing over after already sending it to mother.
     The Germans are sure using or should I say sending over plenty of flying bombs. You can hear the motor when it cuts off and not long after that what a concussion as the darn thing hits and goes off. At night they look like a ball of fire racing across the sky. You can hear them coming but it makes you sweat when the motor stops.
     Heard you had a fall while working on the barn. Hope you are over it by now. Take care of yourself and be careful. Do not try to overwork.
     Glad to hear you have some winter wood and best of all it's all sawed up. I know it's no fun sawing wood by hand when the weather is far below zero.
     It rained last night with dark heavy low hanging clouds in the sky all day. The wind blows most of the time. Gee, it's dark as pockets to-night.
     Well, Dad, must sign off. Best wishes and good health.
                                                  Son Charles


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