Saturday, June 9, 2018

Sept. 1, 1944 Letter "Battle of Brest" 3 (Post #69)

Foot Soldier by Fred Felder
    Printed by Bill Wise Printers, Orangeburg, South Carolina

Fred Felder was a combat mortar crew soldier in the 2nd Battalion of the U.S. 9th Infantry Regiment of the U.S. 2nd Infantry Division.

August 29-September 4 The night and day routine of the advance on Brest continued day after day. All survivors were getting tired. On September 4, our infantrymen broke through the city’s outer chain of defenses. We had suffered heavy casualties, especially the 3rd Battalion, around the city’s airfield, where fighting was fierce. Company G was finally relieved and sent to the rear to reorganize and recuperate from the effects of eleven days of continuous fighting. Although we GI’s didn’t know it or care much- we came under the command of 9th Army. 

Fourneuf is a village 2 miles outside of Brest

Staff Sergeant Hanford Maurice Rice Diary

Sept 1, 1944 (Friday) “Oxner and Rogers (were) hit. (The) third Platoon joins the second (platoon).”

Sept 2, 1944 (Saturday) “I am still in the hospital. C Company is holding (the) line at Brest.”

Sept 3, 1944 (Sunday) “(I am) still in the hospital. (I am) eating and sleeping. (I have had) no mail. I am leaving (the hospital) tomorrow.”

Sept 4, 1944 (Monday) “I am at the replacement pool. (The) chow is awful. (I am) staying all night.”
Somewhere in France
Sept 1, 1944

Dear Mother
     Here I am still in there trying to do my small part to get this thing over with and sail for home.
[We now know Uncle Charlie has another 8 months of battles ahead of him. This is a time when not knowing what the future holds may be a benefit to us humans. Eight months of fighting for your life, your country, and the nations of the world. Winning against the enemy is a blessing for them too.]
As I have said before "the news looks good but don't plan on any one date then you won't be disappointed." [Wars don't follow our time schedule. We forget this truth so often.] You may be sure of one thing I'll be home as soon as possible. I'm still well so that is the big thing which counts at this time. 
     Gee, I sure must try to write more but it seems something will happen every time I start to write. The other day I started a letter then had to go work on the gun [105mm howitzer] and was it raining. I got soaked and when I crawled back into my hole the letter had got wet, the paper was damp so I gave it up as a poor job - didn't feel much like writing then.
     Yesterday, I built a new home in the ground and this one is a foxhole Deluxe, all lined with straw, under a hedgerow with a built out overhang to keep the rain off. After you build so many of them you kind of feel like a contractor able to build just about any design building (in my case foxhole) a person could ask for. 
     Received the news about sister and sure glad to hear she is doing so well. Glad also to hear it was a boy. Best wishes to all Three. [His sister Helen had Joseph Borek Jr 18 Aug 1944. Her first child.]
     I sure had some mail the other day, all from home - six letters. One stamp had never been postmarked.  That was the first time I ever saw one that way. 
    Well, tell Dad I just sent back all my ballots. As far the way he votes I wouldn't know and mine that's a military secret.
    I wouldn't take it too hard even if Sis did go to Florida this winter, oh yes, I know you'll miss her but maybe it will be for the best. [His sister Helen, and her husband Joe will begin to go to Homestead, Florida, to grow potatoes. It will prove VERY successful.]
     I received a nice card and one of the best letters Helen ever wrote for my birthday. She asked about my watch but I'll let you take care of that now. I've written you all about it. Can't understand her at times but one sure thing I don't intend worrying very much.
     You know it seemed a lot like home here as now that September is here the nights are quite cold with cold fall winds and when you see the sun going down (headed for the U.S.A.) it looks like fall. 
     Telling about Joe going to the Drug Store for some reading here is something, whenever you find pictures, etc. save them and maybe someday I'll be able to tell you about some of the them as I've already seen many of the things happen that have been written about,
     Guess I'll sign off for this time. Say hello to all and don't forget Grammy.
                                                                           Son Charles
Please send me a fruit cake if you can.

2nd Infantry Division

foxhole 2 x 2 x 6

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